Monday, September 15, 2008

Were we not born under Taurus

If I'm a man born under the sign of the bull, I figured I better figure out what implications it has.

Taurus, an earth sign, is the second sign of the Zodiac, ruled by the planet venus. It is a sign of strength and solidarity with great appreciation for sensual pleasures and a propensity for excess (cue alchoholism). Interestingly, Taurus is a sign of of great stability and discipline, which also yields great stubbornness. While, I've been somewhat broken of my discipline, the stubbornness is very apparent, "I'll drink to her as long as their is passage in my throat..."

S[eaking of throats, another interesting little tidbit: rather than governing legs and thighs, as I say in the first act, Taurus actually governs the throat, and Tauruses usually possess strong and pleasant voices, with immense appreciation for music and singing, "Lets a have a song!"

Tauruses also tend to be a bit materialistic and are quite dexterous in their pursuit of the good life.

Taureans passionate nature places great emphasis on fidelity and honor, and they make great and generous friends, though the rapport is oftentimes unspoken. They are often physically very strong and solidly builty, though they need to engage in consistent exercise to compensate for their somewhat indulgent nature.

Sounds like there's a lot of Toby in here to me, with a few discrepancies here and there (only stemming from his fall from grace, of course). It's interesting though to think about the kind of man I was before I retiring from the military...

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