Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feste's Fireside chat

After Saturday’s run in the space, I felt a lot better about the direction in which I am heading with Feste and my relationships with all of you. There is a kind of freedom I am finding through allowing myself to make bolder choices/use playful tactics. I do recognize, though, that there is much to be done before Friday! I made a list of all the things the rest of the faculty would say were they to watch the play at this point.
Don (as he has said) would encourage me to really have MORE fun with the language. Find and lift the important words. I think Barbara would recommend the chair exercise for the switching of thoughts, which goes along with a note I got from Matt about not dallying so long between emotional/tactic shifts. Making them sharper. I think if I did a mask exercise with Kaf I would find that my physical tactics are constantly shifting according to others’ desires and moods. A kind of chameleon. Mix of air and water. Quick like light air but changeable like water. They mix and you get carbonated water! Hm. Ingrid would recommend that I have more fun with this role and not let the serious-Amanda-who-needs-to-be-always-right-but-is-working-on-that get in the way. Gary would tell me to make sure I’m keeping my neck freer so I don’t strain (to find the light, I sometimes tip my head up and crunch my neck).
This week I will incorporate these thoughts and follow my objectives with playful freedom to play and interact with all of you!

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