Thursday, September 25, 2008

To the cast and designers

I cannot really articulate how important and memorable this process has been for me to be a part of.


Instead, I'll let you all know that your work is in a really great place to share with the rest of the school. What I hope you have all got from this is the importance of keeping yourself on top of your game, no matter what the parameters of the project. High Budget, Low Budget or no Budget - you all must always be working at the crest of your training, instinct and intelligence.

Actors - I also hope you will continue to develop and foster relationships with lighting designers. They can be like OZ behind your character's curtain - pulling the levers that you dont need to, adding depth and layers to your work.

So tomorrow, demand the best from yourselves. And share that with the rest of the school. Try not to inflict yourselves on them. Hide the obstacles that you think are plaguing you (sickness, self doubt, proving yourself to a student/teacher, etc). No action has direction or life when sacrificed to an overbearing obstacle. Instead, remember why you like the play, like working with this company, like this school (tough sometimes, maybe) and like acting. Share that.

Above all, serve the story, speak with the audience and support your company members.

Because Im pretentious, Im now going to quote Shakespeare :

Just as Hamlet finally understands how simple, and yet deadly his mission is, Hamlet turns to Horatio and says:

"We defy augury; there's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all."

Be ready


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