A lightbulb went off in my head today as I was looking for costume pieces for Malvolio. I think it would be fun to play Malvolio as a man who grew up admiring Zorro, and has now made it his goal to actually BE Zorro. But, Zorro needs a leading woman, and that woman is Olivia. I think it'd be fun to play with a large ruler as Zorro's rapier. I mean, I already have a cape basically, the hat that I have is perfect for fitting for Zorro, and I think if it's Malvolio trying (emphasis on trying) to sound/move/be like Zorro as best he can, as that is his frame of reference and guidepost to be an attractive man. This makes his "self-love" ever the more sad, because he's trying so hard to be someone he's not. Also, the accent fits well with the lines. For his "behaviors" to his own shadows, maybe he's practicing his "M" - which takes far more work than a Z, so he then fails at this. This might all be completely ridiculous, and not work at all, but I want to try it out. For the Dark R!
oom scene, I was wondering if maybe after all these years of trying to put on this affected accent/movement, when he finally gets to the point of losing it all, he drops the accent and speaks in his regular voice (whatever that is, I haven't discovered it yet). Just some thoughts.
OH, and can I grow the mustache??????? PLEASSSSEEEE!
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