Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lord of the Dance

So tonight at rehearsal, Matt mentioned that we should all work on our songs and musical interludes so that we don’t freeze or lose specificity in front of an audience. I have been thinking a lot about the Welkin dance over the past few weeks, and I think I have finally come up with Sir Andrew’s mental image of himself both on and off the dance floor. The closest example I can find of this mental image comes in the shape of the incomparable Michael Flatley. Known to his friends only as the Great MF, Flatley has immortalized himself as the ever popular “Lord of the Dance.” Here are some images that can do no more than strive to capture his true greatness.

I have attached a compilation of Michael Flatley (AKA Sir Andrew) doing that which he does best. It is set to the music of the Scissor Sisters. The song is called “I Don’t Feel Like Dancing.” Pure wit.

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