Friday, September 12, 2008


After rehearsing Act I, scene ii last night with the status difference between Viola and the Captain, I felt a giant difference in the way Viola sees things. I began to reevaluate my feelings and opinions of a lot of what happens in the play.

For some reason, I was looking at the other characters in Twelfth Night through a rainbow and sunshine filter through which my opinion of everyone had been pretty positive. Now, really implimenting Viola's status, much has changed. She certainly dislikes Malvolio and Valentine for how rude they are to her throughout the play, but it is more than that. They are servants and even though she is playing one herself, she is not used to being treated like that. The last person who was anything but sweet to her, she probably fired and never heard of them again. I think this will really help me change up and strengthen some of my tactics.

My biggest discovery was Antonio. Up until now, I had been playing that she pretty much stuck with her "Oh gosh, thanks for saving me!" opinion of him throughout the rest of the show with a few "hey, silly, stop lyings" thrown in. Now, however, it is clear to me that as soon as Orsino expresses his feelings of dislike towards Antonio, she is fully against him. Her opinion of him worsens throughout the play up until Sebastian is revealed, at which point I don't even think she remembers that Antonio is even still there. . . does anybody remember he is there? Sorry Jon-Michael.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh bother.

Don't mind me.

I'll just be sitting in the corner of the lost.