I've been looking some pictures of the sea, and thinking about what the sea means for everyone, but specifically for me.
For the as of yet unnamed captain that saves Viola, it's a livelihood. It's how he makes his living, it's where he spends most of his time. It is his life. And he must go back to the sea, after getting enough money (from Viola - possibly) to repair his ship, or buy another one if his is completely ruined. But the sea dictates his life.
So I think, the captain is a strong earth. Very solid, because he deals in water - He's a hard, dry earth and can take the sea, except when it over powers him - so, I think in his only scene, his earth has become muddy, and he needs to dry out before he can go back out.
Antonio on the other hand is an ex-captain, I think. Discharged because of the looting, so he's someone that USED to rely on the sea, but now is banned from it. The image of that lone person on the edge of the shore looking out into the vast sea, I think, can be applied to every character in the play, but specifically for Antonio; I've been extrememly lonely. In exile, alone, don't leave the house much, except to go look at the sea, my one passion. I think of Antonio as a fire, but the sea has extinguished my fire. And I am no longer able to set foot in the water. Until I see this shipwreck, and save Sebastian. And it's then my fire starts to come back, and I think the relationship between the two of us is symbiotic - no longer just me irrationally doting on this young kid for no reason as I once thought. Sebastian has saved me just as much as I saved Sebastian, which is why I flip a shit when he's betrayed. Stakes are high for Antonio.
Well, I sure have rambled on for long enough. Forgive me.
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